TL-41-93 Update 2
We’ve had a busy and wet week traveling the country together. Today is our last day as a group and we can’t believe the trip almost over.
We toured Tzfat (in the pouring rain), explored Tel Aviv through food, and visited ILAN center for the disabled- an agency UJA supports in Israel. At the Bedouin tent we participated in a drum circle and learned about traditional Bedouin hospitality before waking up to climb Masada and seeing the sun rise (and several rainbows).
The past few days were spent in Jerusalem, starting with Shabbat at a local Israeli’s house through Shabbat of a Lifetime and going to the Western Wall and touring the Old City on Shabbat. We visited Yad Vashem and Mount Zion, and today we are heading to a graffiti tour in the market and to the Israel museum.
We have had such an amazing time exploring Israel together and are sad to see it come to an end!
Jordana and Kimmy