Community Trip
Turning 10 Days of Travel into Lifelong Friendships
Check out Detroit’s amazing post trip mifgash program in this article written by Israel Outdoors staffer Becky Hurvitz. It sure does pay to be from Detroit. Good food, good music. Drive an hour and a half up north and instant vacation. But these perks pale in comparison to the benefits of being a young Jewish…
Read MoreMedical Update from Israel #Bus143
Check out the following update from the Medical Students and Practitioners Birthright Israel trip with Israel Outdoors! It’s us again! We have been extremely busy since the last time we wrote. On Wednesday, we went to the Israeli Defense Force’s Medical Corps Facility. We participated in a demonstration of how IDF medics are trained to respond…
Read MoreOwning Her Jewish Identity: A Birthright Israel LA Way Story
Sasha K. participated in a free Birthright Israel trip with Israel Outdoors and the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles this past February. Recently published a post about how meaningful her trip was. Thanks for sharing! Born in Russia, Sasha Karlova didn’t know she was Jewish until she moved to the U.S. with her…
Read MoreThe True Impact of the Birthright Israel Mifgash
On every Israel Outdoors trip, five out of the ten days is spent experiencing Israel alongside Israeli peers on leave from their army service and university studies. This component of the trip is known as the Mifgash (encounter). There is truly no better way to experience Israel than with Israeli friends at your side. This…
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