Medical Update from Israel #Bus143
Check out the following update from the Medical Students and Practitioners Birthright Israel trip with Israel Outdoors!
It’s us again! We have been extremely busy since the last time we wrote. On Wednesday, we went to the Israeli Defense Force’s Medical Corps Facility. We participated in a demonstration of how IDF medics are trained to respond on the field in a time of crisis and were educated about the amazing medical technologies that Israel has developed. After that we were introduced to the culture and night life of Tel Aviv. It was everything we heard it would be.

Thursday morning, we kicked off our day at Save A Child’s Heart, a non for profit organization that provides urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow up care to indigenous children of developing countries. We not only learned about their activities and the opportunities they offer for those in need, but we got to play with the children.
Discovery: They’re better at puzzles than we are.
Friday was spent in the Kabbalistic city of Tzfat. One of the highlights of the day was meeting our new participants, 8 Israelis who are either in the military or pursuing medical studies. With that, we returned to Kibbutz Gonen (stopping at a winery on the way for some wine tasting), and celebrated a relaxing Shabbat with candle lighting, song, and all around good times.
Oh. And ammmazing food.
It’s impossible to include everything we’ve experienced in one email, but one of the best parts of the weekend was rafting down the Jordan River. A nice oasis in the Israeli summer heat before loading the buses to enter the iconic city of Jerusalem.
And here we are! We can’t believe it’s only been 6 days!