TL-47-543 Update 6
We are in our last 48hrs together as a group. Time flys when surrounded by loving humans who are engaged in learning, exploring, and creating a cohesive group. Today was a day to remember!
We began with delicious breakfast, followed by exploring the worlds largest erosion crater at the Ramon crater visitor center. We learned of the first israeli astronaut who does far too soon due to a malfunction upon returning from space. His legacy lives on within us all.
We then went to Sde Boker- the desert outpost and grave of Ben Gurion. We learned of his vision and dream while enjoying the breathtaking view!
We then split into groups of 6-8 for a jeep tour at Sde Boker. What a ride – literally, it was a nice and sometimes bumpy ride, but we got to get out of the jeep and explore the desert and learn about different cultures and marriage practices. We had a bit of fun also and some climbed the one tree in the desert surrounded by open space.
Following the busy morning, we had lunch at Mevashlot Yerucham- a women who cooked for all of us such delicious food. She told us her story of how she mentored troubled youth in the north and south for decades helping them achieve their dreams of completing primary school and going on to the army and then college when others disregarded those kids as failures. She is a true hero! Many hero’s today- it’s like it was planned intentionally in the itinerary or something 😉
We finally drove to the long awaited Tel Aviv! Party bus was bumping with music, card games, charades, and some loud snores. All in all- a fun bus ride. We went to Gift of Life and learned how we can all be of service and save a life by donating blood or bone marrow. Together, we can help others who need it most by a simple act of generosity.
This was followed by dinner and our night out in Tel Aviv! Tomorrow is our last full day, and we fly back Thursday morning! Time to embrace our surroundings and each other as we count down our time together.
With joy,
Hal, Jenny, and Serge
#Bus543, 2022