TL-47-365 Update 7
We awoke to the sounds of a new week in Jerusalem. What freshness will this new week bring? What possibilities, joys adventures are to be awakened in our last few days together?
We began with breakfast at the hotel at 7:30, before departing on our bus with Captain Waseem navigating our way. We arrived at Yad Vashem, where we walked through an immersive remembering of the holocaust. Stories lit the candles of age old memories, honoring those we’ve lost, loved and continue to remember.
Upon emerging from Yad Vashem, we sat on stone steps reflecting on our experiences, connecting again together as a group. Tears were shed, shoulders were hugged, eyes were met with understanding. From there we enjoyed lunch in the warm sun of Jerusalem.
After lunch we visited Har Hertzel. We sat in a grassy slope listening to the dreams leading to the creation of a state of Israel. by a stroll through the cemetery, passing a guarded area where the president sat mourning his late father. Serenaded by songs of honor we sat and listened to Israelis speak about their experience in the IDF.
After, we took some time to rest in the hotel. With some rest and a few minutes to recharge for the night, we gathered with our Israeli friends. We played charades, raced to put on IDF uniforms, and laughed ourselves through the evening by stuffing our faces full of marshmallows playing chubby bunny. We closed our evening by bouncing around Ben Yehuda street through the lights and songs of a bustling Jerusalem night.
With serenity,
Hal & Sam-Sam