TL-46-905 Update 1

We are currently on the bus from Ben Gurion Airport to our hotel in Haifa.  Everyone got through security smoothly in Toronto and boarded without issue.  Those of us who were lucky enough managed to catch a couple hours of shut eye on the plane.  While there were no crying babies, I’m sure several of us were kept awake wondering what possibly could have been in the airline meals.
We landed and collected our luggage with only one close call for a lost bag – thankfully they all showed up!  We exchanged currency, collected our SIM cards, and ate some delicious Israeli sandwiches.
With full stomachs and tired eyes, the participants got a brief introduction to the bus driver, tour guide, and medic. We challenged them to meet new people and make some new friends by trying to sit with someone new on each bus ride.
Everyone in the group seems to be getting on well and we are all excited for the trip to come. Will check back in later with more updates!