TL-41-14 Update 1

We are excited to share with you an update from our first day in Israel. After a long journey, Bus #14 finally arrived in Israel and met our Israeli peers! We started off our trip in the north with a hike at Banias Falls. The group then learned to cook dishes with the Druze community.…

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TL-41-148 Update 2

  Hi everyone! Maddie checking back in. Today is day 3 of our trip and day 2 in Israel. Everyone had a blast ringing in the new year in Tiberias last night next to the Kinneret after spending our morning touring Tzfat and learning about Kabbalah in Judaism. Today we started the day by hiking…

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TL-41-349 Update 1

Shalom, This is Roy, the IACT at Clark. I wanted to let you know that we just arrived in Kibbutz Ashdod Yaakov. The participants have been really engaged from the beginning of the trip. We started our day at Caesarea and played ice breakers there. We then continued to Tzfat where participants had a chance…

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TL-41-13 Update 2

After spending a night in the Dessert, Bus 13 had an early wake up to see the sunrise at the top of Masada! They then rode Camels in the Negev before traveling to the Dead Sea. After floating around, they made their way south down to Eilat where they will have a night to relax…

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TL-41-148 Update 1

Hi everyone! Maddie and Jackson here to report in that we have all arrived to Israel safe and sound. We know everyone is super excited for tomorrow as we will start touring around Tzfat and heading to Tiberias to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

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TL-41-93 Update 2

Hi, We’ve had a busy and wet week traveling the country together. Today is our last day as a group and we can’t believe the trip almost over. We toured Tzfat (in the pouring rain), explored Tel Aviv through food, and visited ILAN center for the disabled- an agency UJA supports in Israel. At the…

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TL-41-40 Update 1

Hey all, Excuse the delay, we arrived and quickly observed Shabbat. We all landed safely and made our way to the hotel for Hanukkah candle lighting. The group started bonding very quickly, we are all enjoying each other’s company and behaving as if we have all be close for a long time. Our first trip…

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TL-41-141 Update 2

Bus 141 started the day with ODT (outdoor training,) but due to weather we moved things inside! After some team bonding, the group headed north to Mt. Bental and ended with a winery tour at Ramat Hagolan. We will be spending tomorrow in Tzfat complete with a challah baking class before settling in at our…

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TL-41-140 Update 1

Hi from the staff of Bus 140! Our group is filled with fun, curious, sweet, and friendly people! We’ve spent the first two nights sleeping in Tiberias. During our first day in israel we made a blessing of shehechiyanu and appreciated the exciting and new opportunities we will have on birthright. Then we enjoyed beautiful…

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TL-41-141 Update 1

Shalom! Bus 141 arrived at 5pm last night and we are enjoying a full day of activities after some much needed sleep. The group started the day with a hike around Hurvat Burgim where we also got the chance to crawl through tunnels and learn about the historic sites in the area. We kicked the…

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