A Night of Getting Together and Giving
On Wednesday, October 9th, CUNY (City University of New York) hosted a reunion for CUNY Israel Outdoors alumni. Check out the following recount from longtime staffer and Director of Jewish Life at Hunter Hillel, Sam Schechter.
We held our reunion at the Birthright Israel NEXT/Jewish Enrichment Center (www.jeconline.com) space in Manhattan last Wednesday the 9th. About 40 people attended from the past five years of CUNY Birthright trips. At the reunion we collected canned goods that were donated to Stephen Wise Free Synagogue Emergency Food Program. This is a program that gives hot chocolate, fresh fruit, bread and non perishable foods to anyone in need (www.swfs.org/volunteer/food-programs). We also collected money for donation to Save A Child’s Heart. SACH is an international organization dedicated to improving the quality of cardiac care in developing countries (www.saveachildsheart.org). Overall great night of catching up, tzedek and Israel Outdoors.
Tell us about your Israel Outdoors reunions!