What We are #Todah4

As part of our Thanksgiving #Todah4 contest, the members of our Israel Outdoors office team told us what they are thankful for.
Nate Edelstein
Operations Director (North America)

I’m thankful for everyone in the Israel Outdoors team. These people are what make an Israel outdoors trip so amazing.

Lauren Krol
Assistant Director (North America)
I am very lucky and thankful (#Todah4) for the people in my life. Also, I am thankful that I get to spend my days helping so many people travel to Israel for what I know is an amazing experience.

BatyaBatya Abelman
North American Staff Coordinator (North America)
I am thankful for my friends and family.  I am thankful that I get to work with such great people.  But most of all I am thankful for pumpkin spice donuts.

Sam Gordon
Program Associate – Israel Outdoors (North America)

I am always thankful for the support and love I get from family, friends, and co-workers. Without that support I would not be where I am today.

Diana Peisach
Program Associate – Israel Outdoors (North America)

I am thankful for being fortunate enough to have a roof over my head and food on the table every day- it is often taken for granted and not everyone is so lucky. I am also thankful for my incredible family and friends who surround and support me.

Adam Levine
Program Associate – Israel Outdoors (North America)

I am thankful for the warm and positive feedback we get from our awesome participants. (We’re also betting he’s thankful that we don’t seem to have a picture for him…)

Lauren AppelbaumLauren Appelbaum
Director of Marketing (North America)
I am thankful for working with an incredible team of people at Israel Outdoors, making work feel more like a fun day than a work day. I’m thankful for being able to help thousands of people experience Israel in such a meaningful way. Most of all, I’m thankful for my family and friends.


