Update from Israel #Bus53
We had a blast today roaming the streets of the beautiful Jaffa and Partying it up in Tel Aviv! We went to the marketplace at Jaffa and learned how to bargain for awesome souvenirs and got ourselves some delicious smoothies. We stopped to appreciate some beautiful graffiti along the walls of the city and looked at the gorgeous view of the beach. We made our way to Taglit’s event where we danced Zumba, ate fresh watermelon and played volleyball on the beach. The day wasn’t over yet, we went to a bar to have our own private dance party and everyone got to show off their moves as we partied it up with one of the most famous dj’s in Israel! We stopped for some falafel after that and then off to the art museum for an amazing workshop on how to create music with our bodies, voices, sticks, buckets, and flippers. After the workshop we made our way to Taglit’s amazing concert where all the birthright groups got together and had the time of their lives dancing the night away to amazing music and a famous Israeli guest star in addition to enjoying some awesome dinner to go. Today was very eventful and amazing!