TL-48-398 Update 2

Day 7- Our last day in Jerusalem. 

Participants have been learning about Jewish history, tradition, and culture. From the mysticism of Tzfat to the religious significance of Jerusalem. We learned by day and rejoiced by night. 

In Jerusalem, students experienced the bustle of Mahane Yehuda, the open-air market as Israelis do their weekly shopping in preparation for Shabbat. Students received coupons for several vendors and had the opportunity to have a culinary testing at the market. The night before students experienced the market’s nightlife. They had a fantastic!

After Mahane Yehuda, we toured the old city, and went to the Kotel (Western Wall).  Once back at the hotel we prepared for Shabbat.  Gai, our tour guide led a very festive Kabbalat Shabbat with lots of singing and even dancing.

Saturday, we went to the Israel Museum and in the afternoon, students enjoyed the hotel’s pool, Havdalah blessings, and explored their Jewish identity values, and learned about the history of antisemitism in preparation for the visit to Har Herzl, the National military cemetery, and Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum.

Today, students started their day by a somber day to be sure, but a must as part of the overall experience.  

We will leave Jerusalem to head to the desert, where we will spend the night in a Bedouin tent.  Then Masada and the Dead Sea!

The students are getting to know each other and are becoming a tight community. They apprecaite both the good times, as well as the learning moments.

Sarita and Zohar