TL-48-279 Update 1

We are halfway through our second day in Israel. Everyone was exhausted but excited yesterday after getting off the plane. We went to Caesarea where the participants started learning about the history of the region and the country. Afterward, they had their first Israeli lunch 🙂

We gave them a few hours to relax at the kibbutz (nap, pool) before dinner and evening activity.

This morning we went to הר בנטל where they learned about the Golan Heights and its importance. Then we headed to תל דן which the participants really enjoyed. After that, we headed to meet the mifgashim. We did a “speed dating” ice breaker and then had lunch, which was a great opportunity for them to start bonding with the Israelis who had joined us. 

Now the participants are heading to their rafting activity, which on a hot day such as this one is definitely welcome.
