TL-48-165 Update 1

Shavua Tov from Israel’s north! Birthright so far has been an amazing adventure. After arriving early on Thursday morning, we met our tour guide, Oren, and boarded our bus and headed to Caesarea where we toured the ruins of this ancient seaport. From there we headed to Zichron Yakov for lunch and finally to our kibbutz in the Golan. On Friday we woke up early for a water hike at the Majrase, a quick stop at a scenic overlook and lunch, and then rafting down the Jordan River. We returned to Kibbutz Afik and welcomed Shabbat and enjoyed a festive dinner together before our oneg where we celebrated the birthday of one of our participants. On Shabbat day we all woke up late so we could rest up for the week to come. After lunch we went on a hike to a natural spring nearby where a few of us took a dip to cool off. After an interesting conversation about Jewish identity and preparing to welcome our Israeli soldiers (who arrive tomorrow!!!) we had dinner and welcomed the new week with Havdallah. We then jumped on the bus and zipped down to the Kineret and danced the night away on a party boat. Tomorrow, we say goodbye to Kibbutz Afik and the Golan Heights and Israel’s north but not before we go ATVing and visit the birthplace of Jewish mysticism, Tzfat!