TL-47-506 Update 2

Our travels in Israel continue to be a whirlwind of experiences – stimulating, beautiful and challenging. When we heard awesome Sephardic music in the mystical town of Tzfat, I never expected I’d ever want to shake my booty in a synagogue so hard. Luckily, New Year’s Eve in Jerusalem shuk afforded plenty of booty-shaking opportunities. 

We just dropped off the Israelis we’ve been traveling with for the past five days, and they will be missed. A highly welcome addition, it was great to hear their perspectives on topics both serious and silly, from Jewish identity to unique Israeli icebreakers.

I write this as we drive from the old city of Jerusalem to the desert, where will be sleeping in Bedouin tent, caring for camels, and testing our buoyancy in the Dead Sea. I’m looking forward to taking a much-needed nap on the rest of this bus ride, and finishing out the second half of what’s already been a really great experience.


Jason Freedman

Picture of Jason, Kyle and Aaron