FAQs for Yes You Can!

Before you make your plans to join us, it’s possible you may have a few (dozen) questions

But don’t worry!  We are working with medical professionals to ensure that this trip meets the needs of our participants. If you have general trip questions, make sure to visit our FAQ’s page. Have a question that we didn’t answer here? Shoot us a note at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you!

How do I know if this trip is right for me?

Any Jewish young adult with medically stable inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowl syndrome (with medical documentation approving travel) is invited to sign up. Friends and family are welcome, too!

How should I travel with my medication?

Follow these important steps and guidelines:
1) Bring enough medication to last throughout your trip.
2) Always carry your medication with you on the plane. Do not leave it in your checked bag!
3) Keep your medication in its original container. Use pillboxes to carry small amounts needed during the course of a day.
4) A typed statement from your physician, describing your medical history and the drugs you are taking, will be helpful if customs officials question you or if an emergency arises.
5) Let your pharmacist know if you are taking medication out of the country.
6) Get copies of all prescriptions, including foreign brand names or generic names.

My medication is an injectable and needs to be refrigerated. What are the accommodations available?

We recommend putting your injectable medication in an insulated lunch pouch with non-liquid icepacks for air travel. We will have refrigerators or coolers available on the bus and at all lodging locations.

How do I dispose of my injectable needles?

We will have a sharps container on-hand to properly dispose of needles.

What kind of medical care is provided?

A: Along with our staff, we will have a gastroenterologist traveling with the group. Careful steps are taken to ensure that participants are able to follow the medical regimen prescribed by their doctors back home. Additionally, we will have a list of hospitals near each of our sightseeing stops in case of an emergency.

How are staff selected?

A: Every Israel Outdoors trip is led by a licensed and experienced Israeli tour guide along with a licensed security guard to accompany the group. Additionally, this group will have four additional staff members, each of which will have extensive experience in Israel as well as a deep understanding of the needs of the participants in this special group. This staff team will include a gastroenterologist.

How do I travel with a stoma?

Please reference http://www.ibdpassport.com/travelling-ibd/travel-after-surgery/ for helpful suggestions and ideas of the best way to travel with a stoma.

I need to empty my colostomy bag and there isn’t a bathroom. How do I dispose the used bag?

Once sealing the disposal bag, you will be able to discard it in a domestic refuse bin.

Will there be food I can eat?

We understand the diverse dietary needs of our participants and will have a variety of options to best suite your needs, but recommend you bringing additional snacks for reassurance. When you sign up, we will speak to you about any specific dietary needs.


You’ll be taken to the Birthright Israel website to register. Don’t forget to select “Israel Outdoors” as your trip organizer!