Julia Blumenthal, originally from Los Angeles, participated on TL-25-245 (Winter/Spring 2011-12) this past January. She shared a few photos from her online trip diary. Thanks, Julia!
Julia with her first (GIANT) schwarma. Israel’s cuisine is a unique and delicious mix of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern, and schwarma shares the distinctive title of “national snack” with its vegetarian sister-snack falafel. Schwarma can be found on practically every corner in Israel! |
Enjoying a brisk January day in the Golan Heights. Israel’s North is lush and green during the winter months, and offers some great hikes and beautiful views. Don’t get the wrong idea, though. Winter in Israel often means chillier temperatures in the north… |
…and warmer temperatures in the south. (So you can brag to your friends back home that you’re wearing shorts in January!) Here, Julia enjoys a float in the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. |